DermaGreen™ Skin Care Testimonials
Hi, I'm Kent A. "I burned my hand on the oven rack. Applied DermaGreen and the pain went away immediately. In 10 days the burn was fully healed and in 16 days the scar was gone."
Hi my name is Sara R. "I have suffered from poor blood circulation in my legs for many years.
A number of years ago it got much worse and I started getting foot sores that were hard to treat. One day in the supermarket, I was hit in my leg from a shopping cart that caused quite a deep cut. It got badly infected and wouldn't heal no matter what I tried. My physician gave me many antibiotic creams but nothing worked. It got so bad that the doctors at Mt. Sinai hospital said that we needed to amputate. Our daughter was visiting from Israel and brought with her a container of DermaGreen and we started immediately. Within a few days, we started to see a big difference and after 3 weeks it was completely healed. Since then I always use it with very fast results. The remarkable thing was that there was no scarring left. This is truly a miracle cream......
Thank you Mrs. Green and Healthy Gourmet Plus for making this available."
I am Debbie C. "One Friday afternoon I was busy preparing our Sabbath meal and while moving my big pot it slipped and fell. The pot, which I had just removed from the fire and the entire boiling contents, fell on my foot. We immediately went to urgent care and we were told that it was between a second and third degree burn running from my thigh to the ankle and toes. At a bar mitzvah I was telling one of my sisters friends what happened and she told me about her neighbor, Mrs. Green, that has this fantastic cream and has people coming to her from all over the country. The next day I went to see her and she started treating my foot. By the time I left Israel there was a great improvement and 3 weeks after I got home I went to show the doctor that had originally treated me and he could not believe what he saw. Within six weeks, my foot was completely healed with no scarring. Since then we see to it to always have the cream in our home for emergencies."
My name is Debbie W. "My father had a stroke and was in bed for 6 months. As much as the nurses tried to keep turning and changing position, he developed a bad stubborn bedsore. What ever cream the hospital tried it didn't heal and was getting consistently worse. One of our relatives brought us the DermaGreen which we used a few times a day and within two weeks it was completely healed. The nurses in the hospital contributed it to their creams until we told them that we had been using the DermaGreen."
Leah Silverman said "I am so indescribably grateful that thank G-d, Zev healed so well. I really think this cream was a G-D sent for his speedy recovery. As I said, the burn unit nurses were amazed at how rapidly he healed. I am so grateful that I was told about DermaGreen. I was truly amazed by the results!"
Mazal Bat El, Cosmetician "I have been using DermaGreen on my patients after laser treatment with remarkable success – within an hour all the redness is gone.
Recently a family member that works in a book binding company contacted me to tell me that while at work her lower arm got caught in the binding machine. (I have forwarded the pictures) We started using the DermaGreen and as you can see that after 6 weeks there is only minimal scarring."
Mazal Bat El, Jerusalem clinic: "I always give my patients DermaGreen​™ to use after treatment. I have never had a case that didn't clear up within a few hours and/or days when using DermaGreen​™.
After seeing the results I started recommending the cream for use after C-section births and other surgeries and the results are remarkable."
Lynn A commented: "In two weeks, skin ulcers which have persisted for many years, went away. The skin on my leg is now soft and smooth."
Debbie G: "I had to have a growth removed from my leg. They had to put in stitches both internally and externally.. The plastic surgeon said that I would be left with a nasty scar.As soon as the stitches were removed I started applying DermaGreen and now 5 weeks later there is almost no sign that anything ever happened. Thks Mrs. Green for producing and HGP for distributing this phenomenal cream."